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I was born in Durango, Mexico and grew up in Southern Ontario. I grew up in the Mennonite culture and religion, not knowing the true Gospel and trusting in my good works in hopes of going to Heaven. I moved away from home to Alberta in hopes of making a lot of money at the age of 19. While in Alberta, my boss gave me a Gospel tract and four months later I was transferred to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The day I moved to Yellowknife, February 23, 2009, I trusted in Jesus Christ as my Saviour after hearing the testimony of my roommate. This changed my life, and the very same week I began preaching on the street and going door-to-door telling people what happened to me. I also started attending Central Arctic Baptist Church where I got baptized and grounded in the truth under the leadership of Pastor Siemens.


In August of 2010, I moved to Winkler, Manitoba and joined Pembina Valley Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Sullivant, where I served in the bus, Sunday school, choir, orchestra, and café ministries, as well as preaching in local churches in need of a pastor. In May of 2011, I married Brenda, and to date, God has blessed us with 5 children.


I started attending Canadian Baptist Bible College in the spring semester of 2012 and graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Theology on May 7, 2017. While in college, I had the opportunity to serve in chapel in the preaching, song leading and special music ministries.


God called me to preach while doing my devotions shortly after I was saved and burdened my heart for missions through a Sunday School lesson and a missionary prayer letter. God called me to full-time service in missions while reading Judges 6:14, after going home one afternoon from a Missions Conference in February of 2012. God specifically called me to the Mennonites of Bolivia through reading Acts 9, through the counsel of Pastor Sullivant, and through the need shared by Missionary Jake Wiebe.


I am burdened as well as excited to reach my people—the Mennonites of Bolivia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.




I was born and raised in Winkler, Manitoba in a Mennonite family. At the age of 6 my family began attending the Pembina Valley Baptist Church. I was saved at the age of 13 as a result of a Sunday School lesson.


At the age of 15 I was called to missions while at youth camp. I began serving in the Sunday school, Master Club, and bus ministries to prepare for future ministry. I enrolled at Canadian Baptist Bible College and graduated on May 6, 2018 with the degree Bachelor of Biblical Studies.


Growing up in a Mennonite area, and having relatives in a Mennonite Colony in Bolivia, has helped me see the need the Mennonites have for the Gospel message. It has also been an asset in understanding the culture. I am very excited to get to the field and see how the Lord will use our family to reach the Mennonite people of Bolivia.

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